Who is the most powerful???

Who is the most powerful??? 

Red Bull, Coca Cola Energy and Sting are 3 brands for the same product (energy drink). Each one of these brands has different marketing mix than the others. Here, we will see how the type of the targeted segment can change the marketing mix for the same product. 

1- Product: the 3 brands offer 250 ml can composed of carbohydrates, caffeine, sugar and different vitamin B types with close proportions. Red Bull only has an extra ingredient called Taurine.

2- Price: Red Bull 25 EGP Coca cola energy 10 EGP Sting 5 EGP

3- Place: distribution plan for each brand is different than the others. Red Bull, exists in hyper markets, big markets, on the run and bonjour in class A areas. Coca Cola Energy, exists in hyper markets, Carrefour, metro market, kazyon in main districts in greater Cairo. Sting, kiosks in all streets, local and class c districts.

4- Promotion: Red Bull, depends on sponsoring sportive events, football clubs, car races and so on. Coca Cola energy, depends on sales promotions for distributors and the power of coca cola brand which is well known. Sting, depends on advertising TV, radio and digital using a celebrity Mohamed Ramadan which is a suitable source of communication for class C.



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